
ECOP works at local level internationally, creating global activities that impact locally

We constitute the basis for consortiums of international outreach projects.

We provide sustainability to collaboration outreach projects.

We bring outreach and management experience in pan European projects to the table.


The Photonics Career Hub. H2020 EU-funded project developing a model for inclusive pan-European career camps of excellence around the opportunities and multidisciplinary dimensions of photonics.


The concept of this EU H2020 project is based on combining the World of Photonics with the growing creative ecosystem of existing Fab Labs. Joining forces of top experts from 13 European photonics institutes and STEM-oriented organizations with Fab Lab stakeholders, PHABLABS 4.0 will deliver 33 Photonics Workshops, 11 Photonics Challengers and Photonics Toolkits tailored for three different target groups.

The United Nations General Assembly 68th Session proclaimed 2015 as the IYL2015 and ECOP is one of the scientific founders

H2020 project in celebration of the international Year of Light 2015 led by the EPS with the key participation of ECOP.

European project by ECOP and funded through the 7th framework programme of the European Commission. It aims to bring photonics closer to society and to inform the general public at large as to the ubiquitous and pervasive nature of Photonics in our lives through a series of activities replicated across Europe.